Taoyuan owns the most parks in Taiwan. According to the the latest statistics in 2020, There are about 700 parks in Taoyuan ! Meanwhile, the city government is positively building more parks with greenlands. Wish to provide our citizens more green places around.
The most Parks and Green Lands
Taoyuan City owns organic agricultural producing areas of 470.1 hectares. Taoyuan City actively develops local agriculture, encourages farmers transforming to orgianic cultivation, promotes eco-friendly farming, in order to keep the healthy and non-toxic nature environment for a sustainable future.
Origin of Organic Vegetables and Fruits
Taoyuan City is known as the "Kingdom of Plants and Flowers" because of the variety of flowers and plants. The ctiy developes excellence in horticulture, landscaping and floriculture industries, through hosting floral festivals and various events to introduce parks and the natural beauty.
Facinating Kindom of Plants and Flowers
Tofu and Dried Tofu have a long history, as the most unique source of high-quality plant-based protein in Taiwan. The diversity of soy products results a variety of protein sources for plant-based diet, has great potential to promote around the world, as a new raising star in the future.
Rich and Varied Daxi Dried Tofu Inustry
A promotion program aimed at attracting more domestic and international tourists to experience this special city.
Environmental Sustainability
Animal Friendly
Health of Body and Mind
It is my task to make this city to be Veg-Friendly. You can counting on me, Department Chief - SuperBee to make things happen.